Cultivating Self-Trust
Camille I were in the middle of our session when she causally said, "When something feels off in my body, I now know that it's because I'm believing something that just isn't true."
We looked at each other and laughed. Because Camille and her body weren’t always humming to the same tune.
Earlier on in our coaching, her body was like a racehorse designed for efficiency, duty and productivity.
It had the potential to sense and intuit, to switch lanes and directions when it felt the need, but its blinders were so thick and tight that it was on a toxic auto-pilot track headed for imminent burnout.
I love a good visual metaphor. So what could the blinders represent in this story you think?
What prevents a woman from being able to trust the signals that her body sends her about what feels good or bad?
So many of my clients come to me because they’re trying to get to a place that feels better for them professionally, but they’re terrified by what they might discover in themselves with their blinders off.
Camille I were in the middle of our session when she causally said, "When something feels off in my body, I now know that it's because I'm believing something that just isn't true."
We looked at each other and laughed. Because Camille and her body weren’t always humming to the same tune.
Earlier on in our coaching, her body was like a racehorse designed for efficiency, duty and productivity.
It had the potential to sense and intuit, to switch lanes and directions when it felt the need, but its blinders were so thick and tight that it was on a toxic auto-pilot track headed for imminent burnout.
I love a good visual metaphor. So what could the blinders represent in this story you think?
What prevents a woman from being able to trust the signals that her body sends her about what feels good or bad?
So many of my clients come to me because they’re trying to get to a place that feels better for them professionally, but they’re terrified by what they might discover in themselves with their blinders off.
Why? Because they've been taught to believe that those blinders provide control and security.
Control and security over what?
Our careers?
Our social status?
Our families?
All of those make sense.
But when you realize that it’s impossible to control anything outside of ourselves 100%, we get to something a bit more complex.
As women in a patriarcal society, we’ve been brilliantly taught to mistrust what happens inside of us. We’ve been taught to mistrust:
Our emotions.
Our resilience.
Our power.
Our opinions.
Our needs.
How did we get to a place where we are so distrusting of ourselves?
How did we get to a place where we’re better at controlling and numbing our needs and desires than becoming curious about what they might be telling us?
And, more importantly, how can we build a bridge into ourselves, into our self trust that doesn’t also freak us out and halt us in our tracks?
That goal, the one above, is what my clients and I strive to achieve in our journey together.
To get them to a place, like Camille, where they can gradually loosen the blinders, see what they're falsely protecting us from, and learn to listen to and trust the power and potential deep within in order to guide them forward.
PS.If you want to learn how to build self trust and self knowing so you can feel your way to your next career move, book a call with me here.
One shift sets them free
Anne had a safe and successful career as Head of Strategy and Development at a prestigious not-for-profit. But she was bored and desperate for something more.
At 45-years-old, retirement was far away, but not that far away. What else could she do professionally between now and then that was worth risking it all?
Even though a close friend in the same industry radically shifted tracks after working with me, Anne signed up for coaching despite believing she was a "lost cause."
Anne was experiencing classic “stuckness”:
One part fear.
One part fuzziness.
One part disbelieving.
Does that recipe sound familiar to you,?
Most people believe clarity comes by thinking problems to death. By engineering a perfect, grand master plan before daring to take any action.
Anne had a safe and successful career as Head of Strategy and Development at a prestigious not-for-profit. But she was bored and desperate for something more.
At 45-years-old, retirement was far away, but not that far away. What else could she do professionally between now and then that was worth risking it all?
Even though a close friend in the same industry radically shifted tracks after working with me, Anne signed up for coaching despite believing she was a "lost cause."
Anne was experiencing classic “stuckness”:
One part fear.
One part fuzziness.
One part disbelieving.
Does that recipe sound familiar to you,?
Most people believe clarity comes by thinking problems to death. By engineering a perfect, grand master plan before daring to take any action.
That strategy never works (it just makes you more anxious).
In my experience coaching hundreds of women, the recipe for getting unstuck isn’t macro, but micro.
First, you need to make a move, even the slightest, seemingly-insignificant one, to prove to yourself that:
You’re capable of keeping promises to yourself.
You’re capable of change.
Change isn’t so scary.
You can trust yourself to move at your own pace.
So what's Anne up to now?
In our time working together Anne discovered her passion, and skill, for writing people’s stories. She took a short writing program that confirmed what she intuited, that she wanted to become a biographer. She got the endorsement from her beloved manager of 15 years to move ahead with her new career. She researched the best programs, and was accepted into a comprehensive course for biographers that started this Fall. She already has former clients and friends who have commissioned her services.
And do you know what set the ball in motion? What got her unstuck? It was putting her running gear on before taking the kids to school.
Yup, I'm totally serious.
One small shift set her in motion. A freedom action. A self-love proclamation. A mini-identify shift.
This mini-identity shift is part of a transformation process that I witness over and over and over again with my clients. One shift sets them free.
I’m sharing this unstuck process in a small cohort class.
Click here to get on the Getting Unstuck and Easing Into Action waitlist. It’s the first unstuck action you can do today.
Neuroscience Nuggets #3: Know Your Body Budget
I'm sorry to break the news to you, but your brain couldn't care less if you have a meaningful job, make a positive impact, or feel inspired daily.
It's got one main subject on its mind: to keep you alive and well. Basta!
The brain's #1 job is to regulate your body’s energy so that you can grow, survive and sow your seeds. This is called allostasis, or the body budget.
Think of your brain as a brilliant (albeit not-so-fun) bank account manager. She knows (even when you try to convince her otherwise) the amount of money coming in and out of your accounts at all times. She has exclusive analytics and back-end prediction algorithms that can anticipate and satisfy your spending needs based on your past experiences in order to keep you on track and out of trouble.
The way she works her magic is by:
Perceiving the sensations within your body (which she reads without your conscious awareness).
Perceiving the information from the outside world via your skin, your eyes, your ears, etc.
Interpreting your internal and external worlds to decide the best way to allocate your body’s energy to keep you alive based on your past experiences.
While she's fussing over all of this data, you, my friend, are doing normal life things that may strain your body’s budget in small and big ways: filling your to-do lists will impossible tasks, meeting up with friends four nights in a row for drinks, bing-watching Netflix series and going to bed each night after midnight, eating take-out because you have no time to cook, feeding yourself a steady stream of anxiety-producing news. Sound familiar?
I'm sorry to break the news to you, but your brain couldn't care less if you have a meaningful job, make a positive impact, or feel inspired daily.
It's got one main subject on its mind: to keep you alive and well. Basta!
The brain's #1 job is to regulate your body’s energy so that you can grow, survive and sow your seeds. This is called allostasis, or the body budget.
Think of your brain as a brilliant (albeit not-so-fun) bank account manager. She knows (even when you try to convince her otherwise) the amount of money coming in and out of your accounts at all times. She has exclusive analytics and back-end prediction algorithms that can anticipate and satisfy your spending needs based on your past experiences in order to keep you on track and out of trouble.
The way she works her magic is by:
Perceiving the sensations within your body (which she reads without your conscious awareness).
Perceiving the information from the outside world via your skin, your eyes, your ears, etc.
Interpreting your internal and external worlds to decide the best way to allocate your body’s energy to keep you alive based on your past experiences.
While she's fussing over all of this data, you, my friend, are doing normal life things that may strain your body’s budget in small and big ways: filling your to-do lists will impossible tasks, meeting up with friends four nights in a row for drinks, bing-watching Netflix series and going to bed each night after midnight, eating take-out because you have no time to cook, feeding yourself a steady stream of anxiety-producing news. Sound familiar?
Your day-to-day habits can take a toll on your body budget, resulting in a distressed bank manager who can resort to extreme behaviour to get your attention (like burning out, having a panic attack, lashing out at your kids at the end of an exhausting week).
But, more often than not, she’ll just send out a more subtle vibe or outlook on life.
In scientific terms, this is called “affect.” In common language, it’s called mood and it’s the energetic budget our brain is working with.
Affect is the general sense of feeling you experience throughout your day. It’s much simpler than an emotion and is based on the intersecting levels of two general feelings: pleasantness (aka valence) and intensity (aka arousal).
The combinations of high to low valence and high to low arousal look like this:
When your body budget is unbalanced, it colors your mood. But a general bad feeling doesn’t always mean that something major is wrong (e.g. Like you need to leave your life and move to Brazil). It could mean that, or it may simply mean that you are taxing your body budget.
What's the best way to maintain your body budget and positively influence your mood and energy? Healthy diet, exercise and optimal sleep are the three main ingredients to a balanced body budget.
So, what's the moral of the story then? Before you jump to conclusions about what's wrong with humanity, or make big life decisions, you might want to first stop and look at your body budget. Are you hungry? Exhausted? When did you last get some exercise?
These very basic factors have HUGE implications on our moods, and therefore on everything.
Neuroscience Nuggets #1: Vanilla Yogurt Victory
Since the third lockdown ended in France last month it feels like the hose has come off the hydrant. All of my pending projects are suddenly “on! “and coming at me full blast.
I’m not complaining, I’m excited about them all, especially the neuroscience for coaches certificate program that I’m taking at The Neuroscience School
This program is quite literally BLOWING. MY. MIND.
I’m dying to spill everything I’ve learned so far out on this page but I’ll start with this seminal nugget:
Neuroplastic changes within our brains translate into concrete behavioral changes in our daily decisions and actions. And it goes both ways. The more you practice and perpetuate certain behaviors, the deeper and faster the grooves in the brain become to support them.
As a coach, my job is to help my clients define and achieve their goals. And the gold standard to see if the brain has re-organized itself to achieve those goals is to look at how our behaviors have changed over a period of time.
Which takes me to the victory of vanilla yogurt.
Since the third lockdown ended in France last month it feels like the hose has come off the hydrant. All of my pending projects are suddenly “on! “and coming at me full blast.
I’m not complaining, I’m excited about them all, especially the neuroscience for coaches certificate program that I’m taking at The Neuroscience School
This program is quite literally BLOWING. MY. MIND.
I’m dying to spill everything I’ve learned so far out on this page but I’ll start with this seminal nugget:
Neuroplastic changes within our brains translate into concrete behavioral changes in our daily decisions and actions. And it goes both ways. The more you practice and perpetuate certain behaviors, the deeper and faster the grooves in the brain become to support them.
As a coach, my job is to help my clients define and achieve their goals. And the gold standard to see if the brain has re-organized itself to achieve those goals is to look at how our behaviors have changed over a period of time.
Which takes me to the victory of vanilla yogurt.
Around mid-way through my coaching program with my clients I do a recap session to inventory every single thing that has changed or shifted in my client’s life since we began together.
Every item counts. Even the smallest, seemingly-random thing is relevant. Like a change of haircut. A new musical obsession. A shift in diet.
These may seem insignificant when viewed on their own, but when you connect their dots together you can start to see some emerging themes appear—evidence that the neural pathways are starting to shift and strengthen inside the brain.
Recently when taking inventory with one of my clients she told me she had started eating vanilla yogurt after a two-decade ban on that yummy yummy.
As a child, vanilla yogurt was her jam. She adored it. But as she grew older she told herself that eating it didn’t fit the rational, cerebral, mature habits associated with the serious adult she needed to become personally and professionally.
Vanilla yogurt was the embodiment of a certain playfulness and joy she believed didn’t have its place in adulthood.
She would still buy it at the supermarket and offer it to her four kids for dessert, but she would never think of eating it herself. That’s just not what adults do.
But as our discussions around the value of playfulness, humor and joy in her life unfolded, her relationship to the yogurt changed too. And she allowed herself to eat a small pot of vanilla yogurt whenever she felt like it.
For my client, the yogurt is much more than fragranced, sweetened, bacterially-fermented milk: it’s proof of a perceptual and behavioral shift towards creating and celebrating small, simple pleasures in life.
It’s about assigning value to joy.
And making space for it daily.
Not in a six months or a year, but right now.
In addition to the vanilla yogurt, she’s also buying bouquets of flowers at the market each week for no specific occasion, she’s starting to sculpt again, she’s dancing with her kids, she’s cracking more jokes at the dinner table.
And all of these changes are training her brain to find even bigger ways to bring joy into her life, as well as her career.
What vanilla yogurt behavior changes are brining you closer to your goals?